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Leadership Interview

Leadership Interview


I was fortunate to have the opportunity to talk with Bill Gates, the Chief Executive Officer of the Microsoft Corporation. An American entrepreneur, who is the most successful pioneer of computer technology. At the age of 19 he founded in 1975 with his school friend Paul Allen's industrial empire "Microsoft Inc". To "MS-DOS" based, he created "Windows" the most successful operating system in the world. Until 2000, he presented the president of Microsoft, as he ascended to the richest people in the world (David, 2001).  The company Microsoft reflects the ambition, boldness, determination and the paranoia of its co-founder and president. During the interview he displayed an authority for the subject of leadership showing that this is an issue that he not only cares about, but that he has also dedicated some time to exploring.

Mr. Gates was selected due to his extensive experience and acknowledged commitment to excellence. I wanted to understand the steps that Mr. Gates had taken and how his leadership has developed over time because I would like to develop myself to move into a position as an executive in the future. I strongly believe in his leadership characteristics and consider him as a charismatic leader.

Interview Questions

Question 1

Leadership is crucial for managers in the business world, but also plays an important role for coaches, teachers and parents. I perceive leadership as a dynamic process of purposeful influence on behavior and development of employees, teams and organizations to achieve optimum business results by making use of existing capacity and potential to ensure the future viability of the company.

Question 2

Yes, it's true that the leadership develops with the experiences. The changing role of managers and employees, how they emerge in the enterprise will lead to a new understanding of leadership.

Question 3

At the moment we were pioneers, we ...
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