Assignment: To Interview A Director or Executive Director at Your Field Placement Agency
Directions: First, obtain approval from your Field Instructor. Inform your Field Instructor and/or Executive Director of the goals of this assignment, emphasizing that all information gathered from the interview will be kept in strictest confidence. If your field placement is not an option, we can discuss alternative interview opportunities.
Interview is a meeting between two or more persons; In order to obtain information about a topic.
Suggested Organizational Topics:
Agency history (how, when, and why was it formed)
The mission and/or vision statements
How is the agency funded?
The Board of Directors
Suggested Organizational Questions:
If you are preparing to conduct an interview, start with a clear definition of roles and responsibilities of the position. Develop a list of possible responses and prepare their own questions to ask over about the position and responsibilities associated with it. Even if you are not prepared to conduct an interview or be interviewed, you can take and review their current professional responsibilities in accordance with the following topics.
Before the interview, prepare a list of questions that show interest in the job and what you know about the company. Some appropriate topics of which to speak include:
About company
Executive vice president of customer service for the recruitment suggests asking:
- What are the business projections for the next five years?
- How is the future of this industry?
- What do you think are the most important advantages of your company?
- What I can say about new products or plans for expansion?
- How do you rate the competition?
About background charge
Ask over why the position is vacant can provide you with an overview of the company and the potential for promotion. Appropriate questions may include: