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Interviewee Information

Name of Interviewee

Mark Lee

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Hitachi Data Systems in Santa Clara


Supply and Demand Chain Manager in the IT department

Question #1: How does the Supply and Demand Chain being managed at Hitachi Data Systems?

Response: The Supply and Demand Chain at Hitachi Data Systems is managed through the proper utilization of technology within the field. I believe that the success of the Hitachi Data Systems revolves around its capability to manage the Supply and Demand exceptionally well.

Question #2: How important does Hitachi Data Systems considers the installation of computerized contract management software?

Response: The installation of computerized contract management software for the purpose of successfully managing the supply and demand department is extremely important. Automated Contract Management is essentially at its peak with the rapid advancements within the technology (Wang, Chan & Pauleen, 2010). The businesses must deploy such management software in order to become more efficient, gain competitive advantage and also to avoid any unforeseen circumstances in future.

Question #3: What kind of contract management software is utilized by Hitachi Data Systems?

Response: At Hitachi Data Systems, we use ECM due to its superior advantages to the company.

Question #4: How does the Supply and Demand being managed by Hitachi Data Systems electronically?

Response: The Supply and Demand is managed exceptionally well through the amalgamation of electronic software. In today's time, everything is electronic or online. Therefore, I believe the success of Hitachi Data Systems is dependent upon its successful electronic management of things.

Question #5: What kind of resistance, if any, is faced by Hitachi Data Systems when new software or any other technological advancement is proposed within the company?

Response: Usually, the employees at Hitachi Data Systems are not resistant to change. However, ...
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