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Q. Describe your management style. How has your management style helped you? How has it hindered your effectiveness?

My management style encourages the development of trust across the organization. Trust can be understood as a subclass of risk situations related to human behavior. It operates as an informal mechanism of coordination and control, produced by social norms that can increase the efficiency of transactions, both in markets and in the hierarchy of companies. I believe that when there is trust between the people, the likelihood grows of exchanges and information sharing, to reduce conflicts and increase overall satisfaction and motivation. Also, reduce transaction costs related to the application of excessive bureaucratic instruments of security, used to ensure that transactions occur - such as monitoring, formal rules and procedures.

Q. Share with me how you have coached and counseled an employee who is performing their job ineffectively.

There was this one case in which an employee was not able to align his efforts with the requirements of the organization. In this case, I ensured that value creation was achieved through the effort and consent of employees who voluntarily seek to innovate by applying their knowledge in solving problems in team based scenarios. We move from logic of motivation of people based on obligation and obedience to the will and consent. The consensus and reciprocity that characterize the particular management style based on trust, have become essential for information sharing and the pursuit of spontaneous cooperation.

Q. Identify the creative measures you have used to motivate employees in tough economic times.

We need to engage in the recovery and empowerment of human resources of the institution, the relocation of industries and encouraging the training, so that the employee constantly feel motivated and valued. Since, the company has great relevance to the performance of professional conforms to the organizational needs of the institution. Motivation is an internal process of each individual. Despite not having the power to motivate others, since motivation is internal and personal, have the power to stimulate the people we live with and help them discover their own needs.

Q. Give me an example of a time when you pulled your team together under difficult circumstances.

I coached my employees that an environment of high trust has several advantages, such as increased employee commitment and satisfaction, better communication between superior and subordinate, acceptance and delegation of authority, exercise leadership, perception justice in trials, less competition and less internal ...
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