Inter-Professional Working

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An Inter-Professional Working and Improved Quality Service in Health and Social Care

An Inter-Professional Working and Improved Quality Service in Health and Social Care


Healthcare facilities are faced with a challenge to their modes of operation. The economic, socio-demographic and current technologies are pushing for a major transformation in favour of greater integration of services. This is an enormous challenge for the health care system. Within an organization, "Most human activities are not individual activities and lonely: they are the product of concerted and coordinated actions of many individuals”. Consultation and coordination can be done without close inter-professional working between stakeholders Concerned (Caruso, 2001, 29). Inter-professional Practice is an important concept for organizations regardless of their nature.

In the health sector, especially in hospitals is an important concept particularly if one considers that the provision of health services increasingly called to a high degree of coordination between different professionals. Many health facilities continue to focus on organizational arrangements and inherited from their traditional operating history. These terms, although not profitable in their time allow more current to respond to current issues that are generating "new capabilities collective "corresponding to the discovery, creation or acquisition of new relational models of new ways of thinking and collective learning, are essential to counter the rigidity organizational intrinsic to most health organizations. This is an enormous challenge for the health care system (Boelen, 2000, 21 ). This paper is an understanding of inter-professional working between doctors and nurses in the primary care setting is important when caring for patients with chronic disease.

Inter-Professional Working

“Inter-professional working is best viewed as a relationship, a process consisting of ongoing interactions” which goes beyond patient care to recognize its influence on relationships between professionals. Inter-professional working conveys the idea of sharing and implies collective action oriented toward a common goal. The average person believes inter-professional working is “…teams sitting down, having a nice conversation with nice objectives and a nice attitude”. Inter-professional working is dramatically different from that. It is the collective knowledge, capability, and resources within broad networks of participants that can be mobilized to accomplish much more than one group acting alone. In interprofessional inter-professional working roles often overlap and tasks are assigned based on individual competence rather than professional title.

“Inter-professional working is required to capitalize on the availability of multiple domains of expertise, thus contributing to the added value of the individual expertise of particular individuals within the team”. Accountability and shared responsibility for patients are integral parts of inter-professional working and tend to emerge when professional inter-professional working reaches a certain maturity. Inter-professional working is a fine balance between autonomy and unity (Baldwin, 1996, 173). Too much autonomy can lead to isolation, yet too much integration can cause perspectives to merge until partners have nothing new to offer each other (Gardner).

Importance of inter-Professional working

Inter-professional health care is important because it provides comprehensive health services to patients by multiple health caregivers who work together to deliver quality care in health facilities and between ...
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