Interpersonal Communication

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Interpersonal Communication

Interpersonal Communication

Part B: Interpersonal Communication Skills in 'Pulling the weight at work'

1st Communication Concept: Ethics Credo

Relate the concepts, skills, rules, or issues described in the textbook to the actors and to the situations they portray in the video scenario.

In the video titled 'Pulling the weight at work', the three major characters include Enrique, Jay, and Chris. Chris calls Enrique and Jay for an urgent assignment to be made up on the topic of 'Oil lobby suspected of blocking the importation of hybrid automobiles' ( They are carrying out interpersonal communication with each other. As the assignment requires Enrique and Jay to stay up the whole night in order to complete the assignment, Jay adopts an unethical attitude towards his work.

Assess the efficiency of the communication skills being used.

Enrique shows positive communication skills as he reacts positively and has a positive body language when is taking the orders from Chris. On the other hand, Jay does not like the idea of the assignment to be completed in such a short deadline.

Assess the effect of those skills on the other actors and events in the scenario.

As Chris does not provide sufficient time to Enrique and Jay for completing the job, this puts a bad effect on Jay. Chris even asks him to stop giving his opinions at some point of time. This has a bad impact on Jay and the entire scenario. This makes Jay think about unethical strategies that he can use to finish the task in rapid manner. He plagiarizes the matter of other writers in order to make a report on the topic given to him by Chris.

Reflect about what one or several actors could have done differently to improve outcome.

In order to improve the outcome, Jay could have asked Chris to provide him with assistance and more helping hands to complete the assignment. This would have divided the task between people. He should not have plagiarized the material of others in order to incorporate it in the report. This is an entirely unethical act.

2nd Communication Concept: Perceptual constancy and role

Relate the concepts, skills, rules, or issues described in the textbook to the actors and to the situations they portray in the video scenario.

In the video titled 'Pulling the weight at work', the three major characters include Enrique, Jay, and Chris. Chris calls Enrique and Jay for an urgent assignment to be made up. Enrique and Jay have to complete the assignment. Jay has to do the research and make the report whereas Enrique has to make the audio and the video clips on the topic. Both of them have their separate roles to play in this assignment. The perceptual constancy of both of them makes them adopt different attitude towards their work.

Assess the efficiency of the communication skills being used.

Enrique has the intention to carry out the entire work with honesty. This is the reason why he was responding in a positive manner to Chris's orders. On the other hand, as Jay is a type of person ...
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