Internet Sexuality

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Internet Sexuality

Summary 1

Gilbert l. Richard, Gonzalez A. Monique and Murphy A. Nora, Sexuality in the 3D Internet and its relationship to real-life sexuality, Psychology & Sexuality, (2011):107-122

The article by Richard L. Gilbert, Monique A. Gonzalez and Nora A. Murphy entails a research study whereby the relationship between sexuality in the real life is compared with that of sexuality in 3D internet.

The dimension of sexuality has broadened in the modern era. Today information is easily and almost everywhere available, the credit for the same goes mainly to the Internet. Internet is a medium, a huge system of transmitting information as text, audio or in visual format. Like all media, the Internet has no moral value in itself. It is a mass media that has every and any kind of information available. Also, social networks play an important role in promoting sexuality through internet.

The author accentuates that the emerging revolution in 3D internet has introduced new medium and opportunities with respect to cyber sexuality in the digital arena. The authors based their study on exploring the sexual behavior and attitudes in the second life; virtual 3D life and relating it with the sexuality in the real life. The research found innumerous sexual practices and experiences that were common in the real life as well, yet with a faster pace and number of partners at the same time than that of real life. Also, the essence of these relationships was found to be relatively different than that of real life; from casual encounters, new partners every time, to long term virtual relationships and marriages.

The procedures for study used were real-life demographic data, basic second life data, and the second life sexuality survey. From these mediums, the results from the participants of the study indicated that sexuality in the second life is far more ...
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