International Training And Development

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International Training and Development


Training and development is a very important phenomenon internationally. As globalization strengthens its roots, it becomes very necessary for multinational organizations to train and developed the employees in such a way that it allows companies to reach its milestone.

International Training and Development

Training is a systematic, planned and ongoing overall aim to prepare, develop and integrate human resources into the production process by providing knowledge, skills and attitudes necessary for the best performance of all employees in their current and future positions and adapt to the changing demands of the environment internationally. The training is aimed at technical development of the worker for him to perform efficiently in the functions assigned to it; produce results of quality; provide excellent services to their customers; prevent and resolve early problems potential within the organization. Through training we make the worker profile fits the profile of knowledge, skills and attitudes required in a job.

Development on the other hand refers to education received by a person for professional growth to enhance the effectiveness in office. It has objectives in the long term and generally seeks to develop attitudes related to a particular philosophy that the company wants to develop. It is aimed primarily towards executives' level.

The training is for current positions and the formation or development is for future jobs. Training and development are often confused, since the difference is more a function of the levels to be achieved and the intensity of the processes. Both are educational activities.

The training helps employees to perform their current job and the benefits of this can be extended to all their working lives or professional person and can help develop it for future responsibilities. The development, on the other hand, helps the individual to handle future responsibilities with little concern about it or prepares it for the longer term and from obligations that might be running today.

Training and development must become a true management tool and, therefore, that to acquire the strategic value should be, it must be understood as a systematic and continuous process, integrated into the strategy of the organization This is a policy-making, goal setting, proper planning and for assessment.

Coca Cola Background

Coca-Cola (Coke in North America and some European countries) is a soda. The name "Coca-Cola" is a trademark registered in U.S. in 1887. Since the end of the Second World War, the original drink is in the collective imagination, a symbol of Americanism. It takes its name from its first publication: leaf coca and use of kola nuts, the beverage was then promoted by its inventor, pharmacist John Pemberton as a remedy against stomach problems such as stomach aches and diarrhea). It was not yet marketed in the famous bottle whose aesthetic will be filed in 1960.Every day, 1.5 billion bottles are sold worldwide, for a turnover of 29 billion dollars in 2007.

The "Coca-Cola was invented by the U.S. pharmacist John Stith Pemberton 's May 8 1886 in Atlanta , initially as a remedy for ...
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