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UK & United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG)

UK & United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG)


The United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG) tends to govern the international contracts for the sale of goods. CISG is a multiparty treaty which looks after the interests and rights of those involved in the international sale contracts. CISG tend to base itself which allows the trade between different countries to grow. From the traditional sectors, and include those areas which heretofore have been ignored due to the complex legal issues. It tends to address those legal issues by allowing the member countries to indulge in the global trade through a combined judicial approach. CISG is similar in nature to Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) as both intended to reduce the barriers in the international trade due to reason that a seller has to go through a different law and the buyer needs to go through a different law. This was another attempt made by the UN to address such issues, which over the, years has been the source of hampering the growth of international trade. However, both of them tend to deal different areas UCC addresses domestic laws, which proves to, be a hurdle in the context of the international trade agreements and CISG tends to address the different laws of the countries in much broader context.

After years of work United Nation decided to adopt it and thus was applicable on the member states under the Vienna convention of 1980. However, it took six years for United States of America to ratify the treaty, which also paved the way for its major trading partners to become a signatory of the treaty including the countries like Japan, Mexico, China, Canada, France and other big economies of the world. However, there are many countries, which are yet, to become its signatory and ratify it and share their concerns on the treaty rather openly. Many major trading countries of the world are yet to sign the treaty which includes the counties like United Kingdom, India, Brazil and South Africa to be prominent. In the context of this paper, we will be focusing on the reasons which are not allowing United Kingdom to become the signatory of such an act.


Legislative Priority

The fact cannot be denied that United Kingdom did play a very prominent role and showed immense interest in the drafting process of Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG). Many experts were of the view that United Kingdom will lead the way for others to ratify this treaty which ensures to develop good faith in the International Trade. Unfortunately, things did not shape up as time passed by. In order to ratify, the treaty the alterations should be made in the law of the land through legislation. Unfortunately, this has not been on the agenda of the Legislative ...
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