International Terrorism

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Our world is passing through various kinds of problems and amongst them terrorism is one of the most discussed problem. Terrorism stands amongst the most serious issues in the current era, as it had laid its roots throughout the globe. The viewpoint in regards to terrorism diverge as they compliment terrorism with immense international threat, whereas, some defend presenting that terrorism is given an extensive hype and things are not how they are demonstrated (Lutz, 2012). Terrorism vulnerable countries and regions are struggling with issues of democracy and respect for human rights and a free market economy. The place to make terrorist attacks are also developed Western countries. Moreover, an important factor in the development of terrorism is related to strong separatist tendencies and ethnic divisions, religious, social, and racial. Often the scale of the phenomenon goes beyond the boundaries of individual countries or regions, such as becoming the Al Qaeda threat on a global scale (Michael, 2010). Due to the complexity of the problem of terrorism must be assumed that it will be a permanent feature of international politics in the foreseeable future (Lutz, 2012).

Terrorism is a serious threat to the security of nations and the lives of people around the world as the national threat, represented by terrorist groups, drug traffickers and crime in general, is isolated, as its insane and criminal activities touches all sectors of any nation, raising its condemnation and rejection. The ideological banners no longer exist and have been replaced by obtaining large economic benefits that brings them kidnapping, extortion, blackmail, extortion and drug trafficking, and being reduced to negligible traffickers of human pain.

The problem is the perception that the enormity of the threat of global terrorism is very different between the United States and Europe. In part because it took place in America the September 11 tragedy, in part because the United States, for their cultural tradition, have felt the extent of the threat is even more immediate than the Europeans. Terrorism tends to behave as all others do in the face of death. Instead, it does not; the threat posed by global terrorism affects every individual and affects everyone.


The paper presents two ideological thoughts one that considers terrorism as a major threat to the national and international security, whereas, the other point of view is that terrorism is just an hype which has been created in order to create nervous attributes in the society. Many factors work for both the conditions, one that represent terrorism as the worst thing alive and the other factors work in order to minimize the societal fear from terrorist activities (Lutz, 2012).

Twentieth century and the beginning of the twenty-first century is a time of growth of terrorism in the world. Especially in recent years, terrorism has become a particular threat to world security. Just to mention the terrorist attacks on New York, Madrid and London. The history of terrorism is quite long as it goes back to ancient times; where under ...
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