International Social Work

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International Social Work

International Social Work


The United Nations Fund for Children (UNICEF stands for United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund) is an agency of the United Nations dedicated to improving and promoting the welfare of children. The aim of this paper is to discuss UNICEF and the international development theories adopted by the organization. Model base analysis is important to evaluate the global information related to the data collection of the organization.

Development Theories

Development theories are developed and implemented for some to try to poorer countries on the road to development. Development theories are a reflection of the reorganization of the capitalist world after the Second World War. The goal of most of these theories was to justify and enable U.S. dominance over the Third World countries, among who were those who came forward revolutionary processes of decolonization or national liberation. As the theoretical formulation also leads the implementation of new concepts for the explanation of social reality, post-war become important in academic terms as poor countries, developing countries, dependency, colonialism, unequal development pathways for development, change, evolution and progress (Jousson, 2003).

Development must be analyzed as the transition process that encompasses:

Economic development: structural transformation in the economy characterized by the use of high potential energy and use more advanced technology, product diversification, industrialization of the economy, increased investment, foreign trade independently.

Social Modernization: Transformation in social relations, migration from the countryside to the city (urbanization), decreased mortality and birth rates, in general, changes in the social structure from family relationships to change in the composition and formation of institutions.

Political Modernization: Transformation in power relations, societies must organize the state in the Weberian sense, that is, the rational organization of the state and population increase in political participation.

Regression Model

Regression model analysis helps the company to collect relevant data, such as maternal mortality where it is difficult to obtain reliable sources of data from the national level. It is often difficult to obtain maternal mortality data related to empirical data around the world especially in developing countries. The regression model is used by the UNICEF for the statistical regression for the prediction of maternal death proportion among women during the reproductive age. Both developed and developing countries are used to build models are used to base the regression coefficients. The chosen independent values need to be available on a universal scale and they have to be linked to the maternal mortality. The high proportion of ...
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