International Relations: Theoretical Traditions

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International Relations: Theoretical Traditions


International Relation is an academic subject which needs theoretical lenses for interpretation, and analysis. Theoretical approaches enable a person to build knowledge about the future in the light of historical events. There are three main theoretical traditions which explain the context of international affairs; those are Realism, Constructivism, and Liberalism. The research explores which of these tradition presents best explanation of the events followed by 9/11 events. The world saw two major wars; Afghan War, and Iraq War. The paper discusses the concepts, and associated assumptions in detail. The research uses the view points of liberalists, realists, and constructivists in relation to the security threats, regional interests, and states power. It was observed that realism offers convincing explanation to the international affair resulted after 9/11 incident. Realism has dominated the International Politics for quite a long time, but liberalists claimed that it has now become obsolete. However, it was concluded that the realist view points are practiced when it comes to national security, and power struggle.





Exploring assumptions: Power Struggle5

International System Anarchy6

Defensive Realist vs. Offensive Realists6

Three essentials of Realist Theory7


Core Assumptions10

The Constructivist School of Thought11

Discussing U.S Grand Strategy12


International Relations: Theoretical Traditions


In the 21st century world, descriptors of political world take varying approaches for describing the International Relations manifesto. With rapid globalization, the world has turned into a community interlinked from varying regions. The situation establishes the context for meaningful explanation of the current happenings in the political world. The world has seen the impact of globalization which strengthens the idea of International Relation Theory. There are many theories that attempt to explain the world's politics. Individuals may consider their personal perspective on international events. These viewpoints are influenced by citizenship, identity, and other such factors. It is essential to analyze the international events in the light of standard theories. There are many factors elaborating the rationale for the development of International theory. Firstly, it is essential to build standard propositions that assist in understanding the events, and their impact in the context of globalization. Secondly, it elaborates the interdependency of varying regions across the globe.

The main purpose of International Relation theory is that it allows us to view things better. These theories have an impact on how politicians or political activists view the world. Also, they assist in explaining the actions, and describing the current happenings. They help in predicting the future implications on the basis of past happenings. It should be noted that these theories restrict our thinking to some measureable extent. Each of the theory exhibits a different account on the human nature, the aim of a state's policy, and about the nature of existing international systems. Analysts, Politicians, and Activists adopt many approaches for presenting their analysis of the world politics. World politics does not refer to the democratic transitions alone; rather it explains the related consequences on the economy, security, and development of relations among countries.

Realism, constructivism, and liberalism are three major traditions explaining the political context of the International events, ...
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