International Relations

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International Relations


The acceleration and intensification of interaction and integration among governments, organizations and people of different nations is termed as globalization. Globalization also signifies a new shift in politics and economic relations around the globe. The changes in the role of government with the advent of International organization such as World Bank, IMF and WTO have brought a significant change around the world if seen from the perspective of inter nation relations. Not only this, but these organizations have also made the governments of different nation give up their powers and importance (Clark, pp. 10-15).

Apart from this paradigm shift, globalization has also led to a significant increase in corruption around the globe, one major reason behind this is that the nations which are recognized as super powers, collaborate for their personal interest not keeping in view the interests of all the other countries. Different countries have been involved in suppressing others for their personal gains, not caring about the after effects which may arise as a result of the cold war. However, the views of critics, realist and liberals are different from each other. Each of them has their own point of view, which is either pessimistic or optimistic or even neutral (Rosenau, pp. 25-28).

This paper aims to contrast the views presented by Thomas Friedman (the liberal), Jayan Nayar (the critic) and Stephen Walt (the realist), in different articles, which were published in different newspapers.


The Arguments made by Jayan Nayar

The article “Peoples' Law: Decolonizing Legal Imagination” written by Jayan Nayyar reflects the thinking of the author pertaining to decolonization. In the author's view, the promises of made by governments for providing equality, justice and security to all people are not true. In his views, we are living in a world which has two sides; the shiny but fake side reflects the promises, whereas the dark, but, the true side of this world is where violence, injustice, humiliation and death are spread all over. According to the view of the author, the laws which exist in different countries for common people, are not actually laws; rather a way to promote the idea of violent orders governing the people. One of the examples of such laws can be identified from the following statement of George W. Bush:

“There is a value system that cannot be compromised, and that is the values we praise. If the values are good enough for our people, they ought to be good enough for others, not in a way to impose because these are God-given values. These aren't United States-created values. These are the values of freedom and the human condition and mothers loving their children.”

In addition to this, the author also argued that nothing is natural or predictable about the current categorization of human societies around the globe. In a nutshell, in the author's view the idea of law is unrealistic. The author presented an idea in this article; an idea which rejects the naturalness, goodness and inevitability of law, as it is presented through dictating ...
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