International Migration And Human Rights

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International Migration and Human Rights

Answer 1

The 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights

According to the Article 14 under Universal Declaration of Human Rights of 1948, it is the right of everyone to seek asylum in other countries from persecution. However this may not appeal in actions genuinely occurring from non-political crimes or any other act that is contrary to the principles of the United Nations (United Nations).

The 1951 Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees

The 1951 convention supports the definition of refugee in Article 1. The definition of refugee is emphasizing on the safeguard of persons from political or other forms of persecution (Organization of African Unity, p.2). According to the convention, refugee is a person who is unwilling to coming back to his origin country due to the fear of being persecuted because of discrimination based on religion, race or nationality.

Convention Governing the Specific Aspects of Refugee Problems in Africa

The increasing number of refugees in Africa and desirous, Government is eager to looking for ways to help them from misery and providing them with better life and future. They are anxious to offering them peaceful and normal life to refugees. Refugees will enjoy principle of human rights and freedom without the discrimination according to the Universal Declaration of human Rights and United Nations. It is recommended by the current convention to find the solution for the problems of refugees in Africa by necessitating the relations between Organization of African Unity (OAU) and the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees.

Answer 2

Five Principal Drivers of Anxiety

Culture and Loss of Identity

Some people fear that they cannot adapt the culture, language and identity of the host country. The worse situation is when newcomers in the host country try to emphasis their own culture on others rather than incorporate into the mainstream. For example, Muslims in Europe and Latinos in America.

Rapid Pace of Social Change

Many people feel that too much have changed very quickly around them, with negative consequences for entire neighbor cities for the overload of health, education and public safety systems. It has been noticed that the anxiety about immigration is associated more with rapid pace of social change than number of newcomers in the society.

Economics and Inequality

Anxiety of feeling of inequality in the society can also be a factor for immigration. Unequal distribution of resources in the economy and immigrants have placed new tension is the society, particularly on those who are not used to accommodating immigrants.


Many people have low confidence in government and have lost sovereignty, politicians are deeply preserved to communicate with the public about immigration issue. Politicians interfere when things go wrong, which leaves a negative impression that no one is there to control the situation.

Security and Social Unrest

People expect that steady hand is holding the control of immigration. Perception of immigration has linked to crime and terrorist attack in the country that has spread worrying situation and fear in the mind of public. Trust can only be build when they see that immigration governing ...
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