International Marketing Strategy

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International Marketing Strategy

Executive Summary

Today, companies can no longer ignore international markets. They cannot be competitive without exporting their products overseas or in other countries. In this paper, we have evaluated Mexican market to launch Vimto. International marketing plan was developed by considering its main tools such as the marketing mix, Pestle, SWOT and finally effective strategies of international marketing. Initially, we have understood the international marketing environment. When considering a particular foreign market of Mexico, we proceeded from the evaluation of its economic, political, legal and cultural differences. After that we on behalf of company we decided on how to be attractive market for customers of Mexico. We finally analyzed what strategies should be adapted for its products such as promotion strategy, pricing and distribution channels. There is an opportunity to attract Mexican consumers with Vimto's brand image. Identity is product's unique qualities of the product can achieve its desired market share.


Product Brief5

Carbonated Vimto6

Vimto Cordial6

Cherry Vimto6


Market Analysis8




Marketing Strategies9

Entry Strategy10

Marketing Mix10






Market Development14





International Marketing Strategy


In the current circumstances, one of the most important concepts of business management is the marketing which is designed to form rational production programs to respond to the evolving situation on the markets for products and ultimately to win in a competitive environment (Alimiene, 2008, 2). Today marketing has become very important and part of day to day business. In this globalized world, companies must have tools to be able to have advantages over their competitors not only the domestic market but also in other parts of the world (Hill, 2000, 47). If a company wants to be successful or just survive must implement a good marketing strategy and as we are talking about an environment and a global market, we must focus in effective development and implementation of international marketing strategy. Marketing strategy has worked for many successful companies not only in their home country but worldwide, as in the case of Mc'Donals that is the fast food restaurant practicing effectively in almost every part of the world. The globalization of the world economy is a crucial factor in the development of international marketing (Belderbos & Veugelers, 2008, 25).

Today, companies can no longer ignore international markets. They cannot be competitive without exporting their products overseas or in other countries. In this context of international expansion, they need to study foreign markets. The study of these markets is called marketing and international marketing (Baker, 2004, 56). Thus, in this paper we are going to evaluate Mexican market to launch Vimto. International marketing plan will be developed by considering its main tools such as the marketing mix, Pestle, SWOT and finally effective strategies of international marketing. Initially, we shall understand the international marketing environment. When considering a particular foreign market of Mexico, we shall proceed from the evaluation of its economic, political, legal and cultural differences. After that we on behalf of company will decide how to be attractive market for customers of Mexico. We shall analyze what strategies should be adapted for its products such ...
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