International Marketing

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International marketing

International marketing


Marketing communication is an indispensible function of marketing. No matter how well you have devised your marketing strategies until and unless you would not communicate it well with your target audience you would not be able to cultivate any benefits out of it.

While communicating any marketing message with the target audience it is imperative that a marketer must first analyze the target audience. While analyzing target audience in order to communicate the message a marketer must take care of the culture of the target audience. One way to distinguish is the context of communication. Two context that are prominent with this regard are high context and low context culture. This essay revolves around the same phenomena of high context and low context culture.

Meaning of context

Context in general can be defined as the background, situation and environment that is associated with an event. The word context suggests the meaning that all the information that is given in the message surround an event and it has close and strong linkages with the event. There are different factors related to an event and when these factors combine together they give a meaning to the event. These factors of events differ according to the culture.

High context culture

High context culture depicts a culture of a society the members of which have strong connection with each other over a long period of time. In such culture behaviors are not made explicit. As the members of this type of culture know each other and are connected to each other for a long period of time they don't need the behaviors to be explicated to them.

One phenomenon that is associated with the high context culture is non-verbal expressions. As the members in high context culture are closely linked with each other they ...
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