International Marketing

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International Marketing

International Marketing

Executive Summary

This short report will present a marketing plan for a washing machine in Vietnam and Egypt. The effect that provided by the word -of-mouth in any industry is very highly efficient and had a high point of success in persuading people compared to any other type of advertising. Due to the high perceived risk, people tend to avoid anything new and something with quality that never been tasted / tried by other people. Product development is a difficult subject to be learned in a very short term; nevertheless, this executive summary tries to summarize whatever had been learned in the past few years. Product development as the intangible product but yet essential to give better customer satisfaction and also to maximize profit and maintain the old customers.

In order to provide a high level of product development, then Internal Marketing would come into play. Internal marketing is something where one department serves the other department. After internally correct, then an enterprise should focus on the external (i.e. customers, suppliers, etc). For customers, customization on product development would be one of the most influencing factors in getting the business strive in the aggressive competitive and to keep the position as the top marketer in Vietnam and Egypt. With customization, the customer would felt better appreciated. With all that had been informed above, high product development quality are expected to happen after being applied for a certain period of time.


Today, the competitions among enterprises, regardless they are in the same industry or not, the managers are struggling to keep their companies survive and thrive by winning more and more customers. These managers are bearing duties that becoming harder and harder by the day. Competitive advantage that belongs to a company cannot be sustained for a very long time as a competitive advantage. Managers and professionals are required to be creative in creating something new and innovative, and at the same time continuously conduct customer-oriented approach. This approach is essential for an enterprise to maximize profit and also to stay (if not to increase) a position in the market by acquiring new customers and retaining old customers.

Product development is recognized as one of the most important factors in the marketing world by managers and professionals. This report will discuss hospitality industry in Bangkok, Vietnam by taking one of the most prestigious hotels in the city - SnowWhite Washing machine located in the heart of the city and it is one of the tallest buildings in the country. Being a four-star washing machine, this enterprise lives its reputation as one of the most targeted washing machine to provide accommodation by tourists and business people. This well reputation is not gained easily just by overnight.

Product development is found to be a very interesting subject to be analyzed and discussed by many markets / managers. Thus, in order to better understand and to be able to give proper recommendations about the product development that being provided by the SnowWhite Washing machine, this report will ...
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