International Marketing

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International Marketing

International Marketing


Kmart is the leading retail store in the United States with over 12000 discount store chain. Company is popular for their low prices and considered as third largest organization is industry of retail store behind Wall-mart. This report discuss the key issues that store may have to face in South East Asian region in terms of workforce, communication and strategic confidence. Information System will be significant part of organization success. However, RFID technology implementation and upgrade it is a suggestion for Kmart. Low pricing strategy store can determine after improve through R&D department which analyze key factors of South East Asian Market and Bharti Enterprise suggested as healthy Joint Venture for Kmart in this market.




Company Background4


Difficulties and complexities5

Strategic Confidence5


Complexity Cost6

Risk of Diversification7

Multinational marketing information system8

Information System8

IS Department9


Pricing Decision12

Pricing Review13

Market Situation and Estimation of Demand13

Analysis's of Competitors13

Financial and Cost Analysis13

Contributor and Channel analysis14

Strategy Assessment14

Product Analysis14

Integrated Marketing Communication15

Communication Practice15

News paper16




Joint venture18

Joint Venture with Bharti Enterprises18

Reducing Risk19




Managing a global organization has been considered as one of the biggest challenge that organization face for centuries (Lam, 1997). But the nature of risk is now changing rapidly with the economic activity. However, it is a fact that only those firms will have a great chance of a success who well accepted a global challenge. In this 21st century, company has rapidly a very good chance to grow themselves. There are number of facilities available for them such as continuing advances in the information and the communication technology have made possible for global coordination and create a potential ways for them to flourish fast growing markets. Kmart is the Leading retail store in the United States and have a great opportunity to explore a new market of South East Asia where world thickly populated counties exist. This report discusses the key issues Kmart store may have to face while make their entrance in new market. Company global information management, pricing decisions, integrated marketing communication strategy and Joint Venture strategy are other key components of this report.

Company Background

Kmart Store is the leading retail sore in the United States. This is the discount store that operates in country since 1962. Kmart operates more than 12000 discount stores (Graff, 1998). Kmart online shopping provide additional facility to their customer to make online shopping right from their homes. However, exploring a new market is a big challenge for any multinational company in which they seeking to maximize their profit and increase market share. Company decision to entered in the market of South East Asia is however is well accepted.


1.Critically discuss some of the possible added difficulties and complexities your client international marketing firm might face when attempting to research the market for a product or service of your choice in one of the big emerging markets (BEMs). Explain how your client company could attempt to overcome the problems and complexities identified. Use specific examples to support the key points discussed.

Difficulties and complexities

Although we all know that Kmart store is big giant in ...
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