International Management And Leadership

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International Management and Leadership

International Management and Leadership


What is international business?

At the turn of the century 21st Century, International business has become so comprehensive and pervasive phenomenon of modern civilization that give this complex phenomenon of the global economy unambiguous definition seems almost impossible. So below is the so-called constructive definition, that is, a set of those traits, which category of international business can adequately be described:

There are many examples of international business, in which the partners are, on the one hand, a private firm, and the other kind of governmental authority of another country, yet more characteristic should be considered as either inter-company transactions of this kind, or in the case of intra- when the different divisions of the company are located in several countries, and these units interact with each other (the most typical in this case, the so-called multinational corporations). In other words, international business is primarily a business interaction of private firms or their units located in different countries.


All of the above applies to business as such, but needs an answer to the main question: what makes a business to become international, which determines the feasibility, usefulness, and often need to go beyond the boundaries of the firm's own country?

Indeed, the actual decision to start international operations and is (even if only formally) that first step, which eventually leads to the transformation of corporate management of the country in international (in this case we do not consider the question of how international cover all or only individual aspects of corporate management). Thus, even in this reference point, one can see the dialectical unity of the two categories, the analysis of which is the subject of study in this chapter (Liang F., 2013).

International business development

To reiterate the main ...