International Law And International Organizations

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International Law and International Organizations

International Law and International Organizations


International organizations are considered as an important vehicle of cooperation in variety of issues. The number of the international organizations has increased dramatically over the past 50 years to the point that the number of the international organizations exceeds the number of states in the world. There is difference between the international law of 19th and 21 century. The difference has created because international organization has occupied prominent positions. Thus, this paper deals with the detailed discussion of International Law and international organizations. We in this paper have explained the concept international law and organization, its function, role and growth with explanation of four important international organizations. The development of international law is also discussed. The purpose of this paper is to let know readers about the important concept of international law and its role in international organizations. The international organizations are the subtopics of international law.


The institute of International law and international organizations was established in 1873, in Ghentm Belgium. The object of its foundation was to develop and implement international law as codified science responsible for the legal integrity and morality of civilized world. The institute showed effective results and was awarded with Nobel Prize for Peace in 1904. The institute was founded by Baron Rolin-Jacquemyns, he thought that such an institution was needed for the acceptance and establishment of the concept of international law (Buergenthal, 2007). The international law was in the beginning was not universally accepted in Legal Circles.

At initial meeting In Ghent, Rolin-Jacquemyns was elected as first secretary general of the group. Representative of 9 countries were present in the initial meeting while other 24 countries showed positive sign and sent notice of their agreement to join the effort put in by Roin-Jacquemyns. The institute achieved a lot in short time like it contributed for the development of international treaties for Suez Canal protection and the institution also worked in the proposals of Hague Conference. With the passage of time, in 20th century it started to divert its focus on international human Rights. The standard of the institution is maintained as a scientific body of the law and all the members of the institution are chosen internally form international legal community.

International Law

International Law is a merger of conventions, treaties, norms, and other precedent setting bases. International Law, also called the "law of nations, is the branch of law that governs the life of the international community. It can be defined as the right of the Commonwealth of States, then a right on top of them and their domestic laws. International law is a set of rules governing relations between states and their consent (state are the main creators of international law) and with other participants in international relations (e.g. international organizations). Subjects of international law are characterized by mutual independence and the lack of subordination to any overriding factor (Bhagwahti, 2007). A characteristic feature of international law is the way it is created; it does not ...
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