International Law

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International Law

International Law

Thesis Statement

The application of the doctrine of sovereignty of States in the International Legal System makes the pursuit of international peace and security a complex affair.'


For this paper we shall pave way for the purpose and objective of creating the best and most effective areas of understanding what are the implications and the applications of international law, its history, how does the coined rules and regulations framed by the law-making bodies and authorities pertain to impose laws upon its team states and entire regions that fall under its belt and the resulting outcomes that come with the application of these imposed laws by the governing bodies around the world.

International Law: Friend or Foe?

To begin with a brief description, it must be understood and comprehended that laws and rules, chalked, crafted and coined in constitutions around the globe have been made and defined by institutions and law-abiding entities that have made and designed rewards, punishments, freedom of act, thought and expressions adoptable and making these laws backed by acts and force coming from the government and law-makers, who shall exist and perform their assigned duties and tasks in any case required to reduce casualties and chaos in the society, in the country, in the state and all around the world. One may question and ask that as to where and how did these “international” law-making bodies and governing authorities of law came into existence, since the kind of work and proceedings these bodies have made need to be questioned and considered regarding the purpose and objective of creating and maintaining peace and security. Thus, one requires to primarily answering the following questions that should help making justifications and developing opinions around the proceedings that take place in the area of international law:

What are the grounds upon which the international law has been established?

Are these laws as effective or ineffective in terms of law impositions and coining rules for countries and nations around the globe?

Are the decisions given by institutions running under the International Law justified?

Once a person a paved way for given their point of view regarding how far and wide can a person make way for understanding and comprehending how effective can international law making justifications for all the circumstances and situations us individuals, countries and nations face today.

What are the grounds upon which the international law has been established?

International Law was realized and established in the year 1945. United Nations, as a separate entity has been in the process of delivering the best and most effective policies, rules and regulations that have been set forth for countries as an entire global community to abide by. Born as an extension to the rules set by the Untied States, the constraints and leverages coming under the head of International Law have been coined by the United States alone.

To understand the reason of its establishment, International Law the set of rules generally regarded and accepted as binding in relations between states and ...
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