International Human Resource Management

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International Human Resource Management

International Human Resource Management


Ones after establishment of any organisation, the very next step is to have the required human capital. The term human capital is used to portray the employees with relevant human skills along with abilities required (Hayton, 2005). On the other hand the Human Resource Management is on the other hand a term for all the activities which are related to the management of the overall employment relationships which is found in any particular firm. Strategic Human Resource Management is something which provides the firms with some internal capacity for adapting and adjusting with the competitive environments through aligning all the Human Resource Management policies and also the Human Resource Management practices (Kidwell and Fish, 2007).

These policies are involved of so many examples like recruitment and selection, training and development these all are maintained with the proper reward systems and also evaluations on frequent basis which are definitely one of the most primary need of the business. Ability of the firm for development of the Human Resource Management practices are also aligned with the business strategy which is basically a source of sustainability and acquiring competitive advantage f rte business (Barrett and Mayson, 2007).

Strategic Human Resource Management is basically studied in 3 fundamental perspectives, which are universalistic, contingency and configurational. The universalistic is the term for the best practices, in this the study studies look for the set of policies and practices which are found to be really effective and they also result in form of some monetary or may be some intangible gains for all firms. On the other and in case of contingency and configurational perspectives, they are basically based on ideas that the Human Resource Management practices will be really supportive as corporate strategy and this will be through shaping up of the behaviours and also the expected outcomes. Contingency perspectives are also the one which links the Human Resource Management systems' choices of practices with the strategic positions at firm-level. It is although seen that Configurational theorists go for a much more holistic kind of approach, which is for some of the ideal looking situations and are also some of the explicitly adopting assumption of the systems which are also equifinality (Gomez-Mejia and Balkin, 1992).

As stated by Galang and Ferris, (1997) status of the Human Resource Management department something accounted for so many differences which are almost in all the Human Resource Management practices. The samples which their research was handling were showing that in United States 88% firms are actually practicing it. It is seen that in the context of United States there has been always a very positive as well significant relationship between, presence of Human Resources Management departments and Human Resources Management practices.  

Internationally the businesses researches are found to be really interested in International Human Resource Management; this is due to the augmentation they have of the cultural, political and also economical concerns it deals with (Hofstede, 1991). In this paper United States is basically the ...
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