International Hospitality Management

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International Hospitality Management



Global Trends3

Operational Changes in Hospitality Management6

International Marketing and Branding8

Impact of Globalisation9

Impact of IT11

Food and Hospitality Management12

Wine and Hospitality Management13

Events Management 1: Events Impacts14

Events Management 2: Planning and Monitoring15




International Hospitality Management


Hospitality industry is rapidly booming across the globe mainly because of technological advent and globalisation that brought drastic changes and challenges, as well as shifted the hospitality management towards strategic hospitality management. The service nature and continuous interaction and pressure to meet customers' rapid changing demands and expectation have made the industry highly complex. The fragmented and demanded nature made the industry complex and the subsequent establishment hospitality strategy for entering foreign markets and bigger market share. Such expansion strategies include multiple branding, management contracts, franchising and consortium.

Hospitality industry is the fastest growing service industry across the globe. Based on the Travel Industry Association of US, hospitality industry employed directly or indirectly to about 16.2 million people. The aim of this assignment is to evaluate hospitality industry and management in terms of contemporary issue faced, impact of globalization on strategic hospitality management, and traditional approaches to management in the hospitality industries.


Global Trends

Hospitality industry of UK is completely inclusive and is characterised by an unstorable product, an oligopolistic structure of the market, and volatile in demand. The increase in the environmental trends, market and global travel led to the internationalisation of the hospitality industry. Since 1995, global travels have developed by 21 times and this resulted to the significant growth in the hospitality industry (Endo, 2006, pp.600-614). A study asserted the globalisation of tourism and hospitality industry has accelerated under pressure of progresses in global economic development, socio-cultural changes, political barriers elimination, deregulation, transportation and communication, technology, and increasing competition in the international marketplace. Specifically, in the hotel industry, the globalisation has been depended on the North US branded, comparatively up business and market travel oriented conditions. The propensity of the individual groups in developing several brands where different specifications of services and products are aimed to fulfil different segments of the market were accounted to be still another aspect of the evolution of the industry. Hospitality Multinational Companies adopted several types of the concentrate growth practices are joint acquisition and ventures, management contracts, franchising, and strategic alliances, all of that imitate the pure status of competitive industry and that has led in the absolute restructuring industry.

Globalisation has boosted the interdependence between people, economies and countries. It does not engage merely multinational organisations while medium and small sized companies aligned with family-run companies. In brief, globalisation has opened doors of development opportunities as about 715 million individuals has travelled abroad during 2002 and it has been expected that these figures will reach 1.6 million by 2020. Tourism industry brought £3500 billion and reported 10% of international trade (Heo, Jogaratnam, Buchanan, 2004, pp.39-53).

The hospitality industry worldwide due to globalisation came across a significant uncertainty ahead, at the onset of 2012. The fiscal cliff threat in United States, slowed growth in emerging Asian economies, and political ...
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