International Education Policy

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INTERNATIONAL EDUCATION POLICY Why is there Tension between Efficiency and Equality in International Education Policy? What Value Is More Important?

Why is there Tension between Efficiency and Equality in International Education Policy? What Value Is More Important?


The education policy priority is to correct the effects of the social and economic inequalities in educational achievement, in schools and the most disadvantaged. At the 2011 school year, priority education includes schools, colleges and high schools for ambition, innovation and success (Lightning) and networks of academic success (RRS). This policy encourages the efforts of teams to innovate. The establishment of networks between colleges and schools promotes continuity of learning throughout compulsory education. These networks rely on local partners and ensure the consistency of activities undertaken in school time and outside school hours. In July 2005, the Minister gives both a general inspection work theme which deals with the contribution of education priority to equal opportunities for students. The November 2005 events accelerate the course of the study and to make inspections. A first step note that the recommendations largely based decisions to boost the educational priority of the end of the calendar year 2005.


Among the many purposes that seek to give effect to the schools in America in this decade began, I would like to highlight one that I find particularly important is the equality it is most important for developed country to give equal importance to all in terms of education. Education is the most important factor that creates the future of any nation. My research also focuses on the educational policies that include concern for the relationship between education and work. It also experiments the emerging forms of decentralization of management, expansion of university enrollment. In the early nineties, a campaign started to give the priority by countries to educational equity, ...
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