International Business Management

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Strategic International Business Management

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The strategy of international business refers to the actions and plans of private enterprises instead of government companies for achieving the goals and objectives related to increasing profit. In this report, there is a requirement to use Carrefour as a case study with an identification of potential target market for the future international expansion strategy of Carrefour. The macro-environmental characteristics of the market of Sri Lanka are comprised of various factors that influence the micro-environment of any business. These characteristics also pose threats and shape opportunities for any company. The internal environment of a business is analysed through seeing its strength and weaknesses in the industry, whereas its external environment is well-analysed through judging the opportunities and threats which come in the way to start any business operation in a global market (Masi & Weidner, 1995, p. n.d). Through a deep market analysis, Carrefour's commercial activities can approach closely to the consumer for enhancing their efficiency in marketing as well as advertising their products and services in that segment. The purchasing decision behaviour is basically the “Dissonance Buying Behaviour”. As far as the Product Life Cycle (PLC) in concern, the company will need to plan a good marketing and advertising of its products and services throughout this 'Concentrated Segment' (Kotler & Gary, 2006, p. n.d). This is to work in serving one and only particular business segment rather than all at initial level. The company must focus on obtaining the optimal level of customer satisfaction through their products and services in the newer market as this thing will help the company greatly in keep expanding business from time to time.

Strategic International Business Management


International business management strategy is basically referred to the plans that are used for guiding commercial transactions that take place amongst entities in various distinctive countries. Classically, the strategy of international business refers to the actions and plans of private enterprises instead of government companies for achieving the goals and objectives related to increasing profit. Majority of the companies of any considerable size are in contract with at least one global partner at some position in their supply chain, and in competition is global in most of the well-established fields. Due to the methods of conducting businesses appreciably vary in every different country, so a deep understanding of linguistic as well as cultural barriers, legal and political systems, and various other complexities of global trade is something vital to the business success (Kotler & Gary, 2006, p. n.d).

In this report, there is a requirement to use Carrefour as a case study with an identification of potential target market for the future international expansion strategy of Carrefour. As, this is amongst one of the biggest multinational retailer chains of the world, however, it is conducting its business operations in almost all the regions of the world. Therefore, after doing a lot of research the potential target market that has been chosen for this report is the market of Sri ...
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