International Business

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International Business



What Is Globalization??3

Globalization in the Context of International Business4

Impact of Globalization on Our Country5

Globalization and Growth6

Factors in increased globalization/reasons contributing the growth of international business.6

Reasons That Firms or Companies Engage In International Business7

Impact of Globalization on Our Life7

How Modernization and Growth Affects Our Behaviour8



International Business


International business is a vast field, which deals through the problems regarding worldwide firms and government establishment which cope up with different categories of global or international transaction. It consists of those private and public enterprises activities that involve the movement across national boundaries of goods and services, assets, information or skills. International business is called known as Global business or International marketing.

International businesses consist of many operation but few are as follows:

Exporting commodities and product services.

Permission to manufacture goods and services in the host nation state.

Starting a joint venture with a company located in any other part of the world.

Offer managerial services to companies in other countries.

Now a day's world becomes a global village so that enterprises can easily establish their business world wide and they are free to open their franchises all over the world.

What Is Globalization??

The world wide movement toward trade and industry, financial and employment is generally known as globalization. It implies the opening of local and nationalistic approach to a broader attitude of an organized and interdependent world with transfer of capital, goods, and services across national frontiers.

Globalization is the phenomenon as the supreme effect that turns out the world and brings a massive change, while opponents have some different ideas. Regardless of all, the encouraging function it has played in transforming the lives of billions people comprehensively.

“Globalization has changed us into a company that searches the world, not just to sell or to source, but to find intellectual capital - the world's best talents and greatest ideas” (Welch, 2011, p.n.d)

Globalization is a procedure of a social change, in which geographical and cultural barriers are reduced. It involves a process by which economics of different countries are oriented to the global market and controlled by different multinational and financial institutions. Globalization is not merely an economic process but also a cultural process.

Globalization in the Context of International Business

In the context of business globalization is the historical process of economic integration that has occurred since World War 2. Trade in goods and services, investment in equities and debt, development of intellectual property and financial transactions have become thoroughly internationalized. Globalization has expanded the recourses, product and services available to the market. The lengthening set of interdependent associations among individuals from different parts of the world that happens to be divided into nations. People get more varieties, best quality and lower price product because of globalization. However, these connections between suppliers and consumers would be happen without international business. (Gaurav, 2011)

Impact of Globalization on Our Country

Globalization is growing rapidly. For an example a multinational company can manufacture automobiles in United States and then sell them in the Argentina, A manufacturer in Indonesia can pay money for a part of a company in ...
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