Interest Groups

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Interest Groups

Interest Groups


This paper intends to discuss the significance of interest groups. Different and important aspects of interest groups will be discussed in the manner to reveal the maximum related to interest groups. The reason behind the existence of interest groups, their functions, negative and positive effects of their operation and their extent of power will be explored and discussed in the paper. Moreover, the extent to which they compliment or undermine the political parties and the relevant institutional channels for political decision making will also be explored in the paper. Different examples from the activities of interest groups within United States or any other constituent states will be explored and extensively discussed.


Interest groups are assumed to be one of the most important and influential aspects of the politics especially within United States of America. The role of interest groups is diverse and they tend to perform several extremely important activities. This research paper revolves around the exploration of the different aspects related to interest groups.

Interest Groups

As suggested by the name, the concept of interest groups revolve around the factor of creating associations that intends to promote their agendas publicly and relies over the advantages it creates for the underlying causes and benefits of the nation. The interest groups can be seen prevailing almost everywhere ranging from companies, to political parties and also civil rights groups. There are different types of interest groups including private, labor, professional and public interest groups. The public interest groups are considered to be most important as they act on behalf of the consumers and the citizens in general (Hays, 2001).

Existence of Interest Groups

Interest groups exist to promote the interests of certain groups. In relation with politics; they exist for the purpose of advancing the political interests of certain groups or democratic political parties. Further, the existence of interest groups relies over the common beliefs, values or knowledge. The prevalence of diversity within our society makes it essential to have different interest groups. Society needs to get together in order to make such impression over the decision making authorities that they have no other option besides considering the demands of interest groups. United States of America is society where different interests and varied opinions over the issues of public prevail; however, the society allows the formation of interest groups making things a little better for the citizens (Hays, 2001).

It also remains extremely important to realize that interest groups do not only focus over the people having common views. Rather, interest groups are categorized as having variant interests and demands in order to represent the issues in front of the governmental officials or the decision making authorities. There are various other names being given to the interest groups like 'special interests'; 'advocacy groups', 'organized interests', 'lobbies' and many others. Any political system can witness the prevalence of interest groups which tends to be active at national, local or state levels. Moreover, there are some interest groups which operate beyond the domestic boundaries making ...
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