Interdisciplinary Relationships

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Interdisciplinary Relationships

Interdisciplinary Relationships

Interdisciplinary is no simple relationship between patient and doctor and between departments, has active character, is an act of culture , is the way to solve complex problems and changing reality in a comprehensive world view. It is one way to increase the quality of healthcare service in American countries that require development of capital and possessing human survive globalized world in which they live. Healthcare professional should ensure, as an imperative quality of services within this challenge and has the need to strengthen the interdisciplinary relationship of the services and improve methods and techniques in line with the rapid advances occurring in society.

The transformations taking place today in healthcare, makes it work by areas of expertise, while interdisciplinary relations originating in each department must respond to these sciences, materials or courses to improve and integrate the performance process. In healthcare organizations, for their specific relationship is essential interdisciplinary mentioned above, to form a comprehensive professional can face any situation that comes in way, to solve practical problems, which can integrate the knowledge, thus facilitates a better understanding. It was found that in healthcare there are insufficiencies in the development of interdisciplinary work, to some extent, by the inadequate preparation of healthcare professionals (Green, R., Bean, C. A., & Myaeng, S. H., 2002).

Avoiding and Resolving Conflict

The patient-doctor (or other health professionals) is a complex interaction that involves interpersonal, structural and organizational elements. Therefore, often even when the attention they receive is technically qualified as good clinical practice, which is known in legal terms as there may be other factors that generate conflict between the two sides.

These factors, as relationships are classified in:

Related to you as patient: lack of health education, which creates uncertainty and fear coupled with ignorance about how the health system; situations that occur as a result of you as a patient can have unreachable expectations based on preconceptions generated by the media, by people close and even in the popular imagination, far from it actually can receive as medical care (Green, R., Bean, C. A., & Myaeng, S. H., 2002).

Relationship characteristics of some health professionals with training and eminently reductionist biologist with insufficient skills and minimal communication skills, preferably on clinical technology, defensive medicine and the prevalent model of authoritarian paternalism in the doctor-patient relationship is another factor.

Factor related to the organization of the health system: this factor is related to the overload of patients, to serve them with resources limited and sometimes even inadequate, bureaucracy and consequent numerical treatment.

So often, the conflict stems doctor a failure in communication between doctor and patient, which is exacerbated when the professional offers little information and which predisposes the patient receives treatment disinterested, rude or disrespectful (Creamer, E. G., & Lattuca, L. R., 2005).

Disagreement between Patient and Physician

Poor communication between patient and doctor is the fourth leading cause of claims in the first hospital and primary care. Make her part well and apply the SMART questionnaire in their interviews with the doctor.

No doctor will hide their anger or dissatisfaction

The therapeutic alliance can be disturbed by ...
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