Interagency Relationships In Homeland Security

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Interagency Relationships in Homeland Security

Interagency Relationships in Homeland Security

Policy Memo

To: President of the USA


Subject: Re-structuring the Regime to Battle with the WMD Danger

23rd May 2013

The greatest peril the country facing today is the rising proliferation of the nuclear weapons and this continue to remain in future as well. While fighting towards the rising explosion is naturally governmental -related work, the current structural design of nationalized safety has outcome in a sequence of agency-particular attempts that are adversely synchronized and fall short to get benefit of significant synergies. Re-structuring the administration to face the WMD danger thus needs improvements that reinforce White House administration of non-proliferation plans, develop interagency counter explosion abilities, and develop WMD-based aptitude.

Reinforce White House Administration of Non-proliferation Plans

The Departmental heads of Energy, State, Security, Business, and Homeland Safety all involve to U.S. non-proliferation attempts, but get inadequate top-level plan supervision and synchronization. For case in point, DOE did not determine Libya's resolution to discard its nuclear plan till it was exposed in the media. Furthermore, department had no arrangement in position to take apart Libya's nuclear resources in spite of its essential function in conducting such actions. Ultimately, explosion discovery R&D plans are presently supervised by a society of users that have overlain requirements but hardly ever correspond with each other. To avert potential interagency failures, the White House should assign a higher-ranking non-proliferation Plan and Plan Administrator to supervise all governmental non-proliferation plans. The chosen director will manage a novel Nationalized Safety Committee Policy Coordinating Group on non-proliferation that will set goals and objectives to form an interagency strategically arrangement to attain those targets, recognize and hand over missions and duties to suitable organizations, and synchronize plan implementation. To develop explosion discovery R&D, the director and PCC will also plan an interagency ...