Interaction Data Analysis

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Interaction Data Analysis (Second Language Teaching)

Interaction Data Analysis (Second Language Teaching)


Acquiring a second language is not an easy path to run on. It is a path where there are hurdles and barriers such as listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Language experts like Crystal and Chomsky have tried to uproot these barriers through adopting skills and several teaching approaches such as Audio-lingual Method (ALM) of the late 1940s and 1950s and Cognitive Academic Language Learning Approach (CALLA) of the early 1990 but the situation in second language acquire country like Spain English treated as a subject, not as a language. The public school teachers adopt conventional and out dated techniques of teaching that does not suit the modern techniques (Noam, 2000).

There is no doubt that English is communicative language in the world and in most of the parts of the world it understood and spoken more or less. Whoever you are and whatever you do, you at least have to talk with someone or communicate with someone else and what source would you adopt other than your mother tongue. The answer is very simple you will communicate in a language that understood by the world. In this regard, you have English. English that has become the universal language now does not need to be biased and considered with its old colonialist feature where it considered language of the rulers. With the fall of slavery, this slavish notion may be reverting now. Still it is a dilemma in the sub continent and especially in Spain that English is the language of The English. The facts now do recommend that underdeveloped countries must develop a sound knowledge of English language if they wish to proceed in the committee of nations.


Latest knowledge and literature published and translated in this language. So it is the need of the hour to have a sound knowledge of English language. When it is the second language then becomes very difficult, for the adaptor Language structure is new to the adaptor of second language. These feelings are quite natural, as this is a new structure to the adaptor and he has less chance of acquisition. Spanish language learner faces the same situation. Grammar of English language is not only new to him rather sentence structure is totally different too. In his mother tongue, he follows subject, object and verb while, in English, it is Subject, verb, object. This situation not only results in failure of the adaptor, but it is also producing a great bias against English language (Philip, 2006).

Capacity building of employees is a continuous process and core activity of an organization. Achievement of organizational goals and performance of the employees depends on their expertise and performance. Enhanced performance encompasses and relies on different factors including incentives, performance management, training and coaching and vision of the leader and or manager. Access program selects appropriate and skilled personnel and equips them with suitable English language teaching skills through a series of ...
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