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Importance of Inter-Professional Working in Health and Social Care

Importance of Inter-Professional Working in Health and Social Care


There are several numbers of challenges for the population of Europe including United Kingdom, Scotland and other regions. The implementation of elevated quality integrated models of social and health care is crucial for children as well as the older age population. The high quality social and health care must fit for the intended aim, use the current resources wisely, synergistic and innovative, efficient and cost affordable (Tope & Thomas, 2007, p. 30). However, such high quality care is very expensive and demands the concentration of policy makers, governing bodies and international health organizations such as WHO. For this purpose, several NGOs are working in collaboration with WHO and the policy makers of Scotland to develop the helpful policies enabling the productive, healthy and long life from cradle to the grave.


The healthcare practitioners and organizations of Scotland along with Wales and England focused to develop the culture of joint work in the era of 1970s. Currently, the members of Scotland policy makers and legislative bodies along with the WHO and European Region mandates of policies have highlighted the requirement for inter-sectoral, inter-agency and inter-professional practices with respect to the health and social care for the all individuals including the children and elderly. They have proposed the policies, which involve the participation of other directorates allied to fields of agriculture, transport and environment, as their policies are indirectly affecting the well being and health of the Scotland`s citizens. All the individuals experience ill health in any phase of their life. Certain people have to modify or adopt lifestyle due to the long lasting health condition, which limit acquiring lifestyle opportunities perpetually (Brooker & Waugh, 2007). Therefore, the elder patients with chronic illness are in need of skilled inter-professionals and inter-agency workforce. Several research studies and academic scholars have proved the crystal clear importance of such workforce for the welfare and health of elderly population as well as the future generations (Fraser & Cooper, 2009, p. 975).

In Europe, the WHO declaration refers the right of patients to assume the health care providers to integrate, co-operate and collaborate in structuring plan, delivering and appraising the care. These services depend on the six categories of rights for patients that include privacy and confidentiality, information, consent, treatment and care, as well as application of appropriate therapy procedures. The social services provided by the Scotland are similar to that of the England, who declares that the social care providers will learn, work and be assessed on the basis of working in partnership. Scotland has mentioned the implemented partnership particularly with respect to the framework illustrating competence, transferable skills and underpinning knowledge. They provided the evidence showing the requirement to work in collaboration with partner organizations, health care providers, service user as well as the colleagues from others organizations. The purpose of such working in partnership is to aid the ill people attain and sustain the greater ...
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