Intelligent Behavior

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Intelligent Behavior


There are many different definitions of intelligence and intelligent behavior. These definitions include, but not limited to, communication, understanding, having emotional knowledge, learning, abstract thought, planning, self-awareness, retaining, reasoning, and problem solving. According to the statistics, intelligent behavior and the intelligence is one of most widely researched and studied topic concerning not only the humans but also the animals and plants. Recently the concept of Artificial intelligence also introduced the characteristics in the machines.

This paper aims at discussing the different characteristics of intelligent behavior, while exploring the different aspects of the subject. The paper will also attempt to highlight how these characteristics affect the way a person perform different tasks.


The intellectual ability and behavior is defined as individually distinctive property of the individual, which is a condition for the success of the solution to any given problem such as the ability to reveal the meaning of words, to build the spatial shape of the specified items, identify the pattern in a series of numbers and geometric images, offering many uses of a given object, find contradiction in a problem situation, formulate a new approach to a specific area, etc.

It was noted earlier that the psychology of intelligence focused primarily on the study of the properties of intelligence and describes the latest in terms of achieving a certain goal in a specific cognitive activity. In other words - this property is a psychic reality, which finds itself in the situation of a person performing a specific task and is fixed in the form of performance of this activity (Das, Kar & Parrila, 1996).

Convergent power

Convergent abilities manifest themselves in terms of the effectiveness of the processing of information in the first place, in terms of accuracy and speed of finding the only possible response in accordance with the requirements of ...
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