Intelligence Unit

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Intelligence Unit

Intelligence Unit



Since existence men, it has always been his interest to protect his family, territories, possessions which have forced him to seek alternatives such as help to stay safe and alert to any hostility. Some of these alternatives, quite apart from their rudimentary instruments of defense (or perhaps a stone torn from a tree branch) was to obtain information from any source for performing various activities (gathering, hunting, etc..) This would serve one or another way to plan or prepare for a mishap that could affect it. Unbeknownst to the man began to look for that information generated in their natural environment also to analyze the level achieved, obtaining a very primitive valuable intelligence, which was a support in its many daily activities or simply out of curiosity. Thus, gradually the intelligence unit was established. The intelligence unit is an important part of a country. It provides an authority of useful knowledge and support non-conventional security.


Importance of Secure and Maintained Intelligence Unit

The purpose of an intelligence service is essentially information to help safeguard the interests of the state, its territorial integrity and security. This is the reason it is important to secure and properly maintain the intelligence unit. Intelligence unit is for valuable knowledge, the delivery of intelligence resulting from the processing of all information obtained and on a certain objective (intelligence), through the search, processing and dissemination of intelligence resources. It is for security reasons, which provide the necessary protection (Wrigh et al, 2004).

The flow of information of the intelligence unit is strictly secret, which ends up, in the hands of the Chief of State for decision making. Some time, before reaching this level, information is firstly report to the Foreign Ministry of his country to request information about a topic and supplement information. After which, the information purged, or treated within the Council Ministers, if it involves several areas of state interest or importance is such that merit is achievable either directly to the Head of State for information and appropriate purposes.

The collection of information by the intelligence group involves raw data that analyze and assess for its evidence. The raw data could be obtained through wireless or digital communications, taps on phone lines, publications, confidential informants, files and records, aid public records. If, intelligence data discovery is through the analysis and assessment of the raw data it will need to be secured aid maintained. Intelligence ...
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