Intelligence Styles

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Intelligence Styles

Intelligence Styles

Top three Intelligence styles

According to the online test, my top three intelligence styles are Self, Logic/math, and Music. With regard to the intelligence of self, the test indicates that I enjoy my private company, and I rely on my ability to think over problems. I prefer to take information from another person and process it to execute trial-and-error scenarios in my mind. The intelligence style of math/logic indicates that I like to explore different things and find reason and rationale in them. This intelligence style also helps me to engage in critical thinking and solve problems with unorthodox solutions (Fridley & Fridley, 2010). The third intelligence style of music allows me to keep the social elements of my life alive. According to the test results, I prefer harmony and rhythm. I prefer a rhythm in the things around me and actively seek one in cases where it is not apparent.

Impact of these styles on communication style and effectiveness

The impact of these styles on communication styles and effectiveness is profound. For instance, since I prefer music over pets, I sometimes face problems in communicating with people who possess the intelligence style of music in a secondary position (Morrison, 2008). I also feel that the combination of my three intelligence styles tends to make me more prone to make friends with serious people rather than party going people. I think that this is a characteristic that sets me out amongst the rest.

According to the scores, I try to make sense of language through sound and rhythm. I give preference to poems and songs because I seek the harmony that defines music (Brand, Laier, Pawlikowski & Markowitsch, 2009). It is perhaps because of the same reason that my memory functions best when I associate elements with music and rhyme. My mind uses music to stay fresh and to keep the thought process functioning optimally.

Role of intelligence styles in facilitating better communication in a business setting

The impact of these styles on the communication styles and effectiveness is that they help me communicate better (Al-Balhan, 2006). They assist in me executing tasks through an systematic approach. In addition, the presence of these three intelligence styles helps me to remain confident in a business setting. Modern day business settings demand an ability to engage in a self-assessment in order to ensure effectiveness and efficiency. I believe that the presence of the three intelligence ...
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