Intelligence Critique

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Intelligence Critique

Intelligence Critique


This article is related to the intelligence critiques. It includes the description of theories involved in defining intelligence and critiques faced by such theories. It also contributes to describe the importance of assessing a child's intelligence.


Theory of multiple intelligences

I believe that “The theory of multiple intelligences” is the best theory for determining intelligence. Intelligence may be defined as the bio psychological potential to process information in order to solve problems that can be activated in a culture setting. The qualification to intelligence may be dependent on the following potentials: potential to brain isolation, core operations presence, experimental psychology support, psychometric findings support, and susceptibility to encoding, evaluation to history, etc.

Interpersonal and moral intelligences are two main classes for an intelligent individual. I see visual-spatial, logical-mathematical, linguistic, kinesthetic, musical, interpersonal, and intrapersonal as the list to which a person should qualify to be intelligent. Moral intelligence is better understanding of moral values and decisions of others by looking at the knowledge and motivation. It gives courage to make the right decisions on their own.

Interpersonal intelligence can be defined as understanding of emotions, goals, inspiration, and interest of our own. This built strong confidence, will and opinion. People having interpersonal intelligence are expert at interaction to others.

Types of Intelligence

The types of intelligence may be stated as follows:

Linguistic Intelligence - It may be explained as gift of words. The people who are linguistically intelligent can best understand the world through the spoken and written word.Visual/Spatial Intelligence - It may be explained as the gift of pictures. Those who are visually intelligent can best understand visualization and spatial orientation.Musical - It may be explained as the gift of music. The people who are musically intelligent people have best understanding to rhythm and melody.Bodily Kinesthetic Intelligence - It may be explained ...
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