Intelligence Briefing Threat of Al Qaeda Attack

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Intelligence Briefing

Intelligence Briefing

Threat of Al Qaeda Attack

A recent threat has emerged from the terrorist-militant organization Al-Qaeda, concerning the U.S. embassies and offices in the region of Middle East, Africa and beyond. A global security warning has been issued to all U.S. citizens travelling abroad, as this is said to be the most serious threat the United States of America has faced in the past 5 years (Solomon & Gorman, 2013).

Officials from the U.S. are closely monitoring the activities of the AQAP (Al-Qaeda of the Arabian Peninsula), which is based in Yemen. The organization has grown in significance in the recent years.

A series of threats emerged around the end of the Muslim month of Ramadan, as [reportedly] the AQAP was plotting against America.

The current source of information, however, fails to provide a detailed or reported account of the reasons behind the threats. These threats are considered on the basis of a series of threats that started occurring a few months earlier. The accuracy of these sources, however, cannot be predicted, as these are just forecasts.

According to Al Qaeda specialist Seth Jones, the American embassies in the regions of Persian Gulf, South Asia and North Africa have been receiving multiple threats. Additionally, it is said that U.S. missions also face multiple threats from Al Qaeda.

In the wake of the current and [previous] recent threats, it is recommended that U.S. citizens travelling abroad should be warned and advised to postpone their appointments. Also, it is advisable that American Foreign Ministry should close its embassies in the Arabian Peninsula. It is essential to do so for some time, at least until the threat surpasses.

The increase in threat arises from the fact that Al-Qaeda has sharpened its bombing technology over the recent years. This has heightened the level of threat it previously gave to the ...