Intellectual property refers to the allocation of rights to a person for his or her intangible assets like artistics work, design, music, lyrics, business idea etc. Under the law of intellectual property, the person who owns the right for its intangible assets like of mentioned above, can held liable anyone who uses the idea without the permission of owner. This paper intends to discuss the recent review of intellectual property law. The reviews I have selected for the purpose of discussion are the reviews of Ian Hargreaves and Andrew Gowers. Various strengths and weaknesses of the reviews will be provided in the paper. Moreover, the significance of the reviews in relation with the intellectual property regime within the United Kingdom will be explored. The purpose of this paper is to make the reader aware about the importance of intellectual property law and its relevant reviews.
Intellectual Property
The rights related to intellectual property are considered extremely important for the purpose of striking a right balance between the creators of various innovations and the benefits to the society at large. The law provides extensive rights to the intellectual property owners commonly known as the IP rights. For instance, the inventors are provided with patents in order to control and restrict the exploitation related to their new inventions. These patents also bind the innovators to serve the public by giving it complete access to the inventions being made.
The intellectual property law is intended to make sure that technology is not kept secret and on the other hand, the hard efforts of innovators are not exploited. The law also is important to facilitate the various developments of technologies for the purpose of making the nations grow. The prevailing economy of United Kingdom has placed intense emphasis over the IP rights. Various reviews have been conducted by governments in order to ensure the inventiveness and creativity within the technological sector. Reviews of Ian Hargreaves and Andrew Gowers remain extremely important ones to analyze.
Review of Ian Hargreaves
Professor Ian Hargreaves is considered to be one of the most important reviewers of the intellectual property law and rights. The review of Ian Hargreaves provides a deep insight to the exploration of concepts that help to create intellectual property systems to grow effectively. This particular review was initiated by the Prime Minister David Cameron during his speech related to the businesses of high tech and entrepreneurs. The ...