Integrative Essay

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Integrative Essay

Integrative Essay


This integrative essay connects three events from which I'm very much closed. These events had taught me great messages. They have brought the real out of me. This learning opportunity during this semester was having a baby while in school, owning a small business and working in a doctor's office. The essential learning outcomes from these challenging events are the sense and fulfillment of social responsibilities.

This essay provides integration among the events which had taken place in my life at different points in time but have taught me the same message through different ways.


Nothing can be more special and unique than a mother and child relationship. Women carry their children before they are born till their adulthood. The children remain the utmost concern for the mother at every step in her life, especially while making strong decisions for herself, as she knows that her every decision would influence her child. Responsibility of a child is something which every mom fulfill with duly care (Ambert, 2001).

It is always a lovely experience for women when she moves towards the stage of life when she is responsible for another life, which is attached to her. This phase makes a woman to become more mature. This unconditional love that a mother feels for her child cannot be understood or expressed in words. It was really harder for me as well to understand the strong bond between a mother and a child before, as I believed it was a trial of my mental and physical capabilities. But, later the things grew better, when I started correlating my self with my baby.

Although one cannot deny that this phase is never easy for women, as it's a real life challenge. It was very much harder for me to manage my work, child and my school. It was a time for me when my accountabilities started to show a downward trend. When I felt that it becomes really harder for a mother to compete for her goals. Now her goals could never be her individual goals. But, later the things grew better, when I started correlating my self with my baby.

There is no question in my thoughts that I have discovered some majorly important obligations that have taken my lifestyle into a more achieved condition. These obligations & abilities I have built up would utterly turn me into a smarter & more responsible participant of society. I have learned a lot and I consider all these events as a part of my training and experience. I have learned that never to push yourself hard when you are expecting to give birth to your better half.

The other thing which I had gained from this event is my self-awareness. Through this encounter, I discovered not only the delights and battles of being a mom, but the self-sacrifices an individual gives just to offer all that they can for the ones that rely on them. I feel that my entire experience with my child and simultaneously managing my work ...
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