Integrative Christian Counseling

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Integrative Christian Counseling

The Integrative Christian Counseling and Adult depression



Overview of qualitative and quantitative research approaches4

Overview of the mixed approach5

Justification for using the mixed approach for study7

The research approaches7

Research Objectives8

Goal of the Study9

The qualitative side10

The Quantitative side10

The sampling approach11

Informed Consent11



The results for quantitative approach13

Analysis of the findings24

The qualitative analysis25

Adult depression25

Counselling; a healing approach to depression26

Integrative Christian Counselling; the word of God and Adult depression27



Chapter III: Methodology

The chapter encompasses of methodology that has been induced in the research process. The approach for research methodology would encompass of both qualitative, as well as, quantitative. As discussed in the literature review, the study pertains to exploration of the role of integrative counseling skills with the Christian counseling and find out the impact upon depression in the adulthood and senior age. The study is based upon mixed methodology where individuals are approached through a questionnaire survey, as well as, a thorough review of literature in a systematic manner is also taken into account.

The chapter is focused upon research approach triggering from the root of the study. The chapter encompasses of all the details that are relevant to the execution and conduct of the research. The research process itself encompasses of a detailed analysis with in-depth approach. The chapter pertains to methodology of research with mixed approach. Fundamentally, the reason for mixed method approach determines the significance of the variables and their impact upon each other, that is, integrative Christian counseling and adult depression. In addition to that, the systematic review of literature explains several perspectives and verifies theoretical frameworks proposed in the area of study.

Overview of qualitative and quantitative research approaches

In most significant and reliable studies, the approach used is often called the mixed approach. The mixed approach has advantage over studies with involvement of single method. The difference between both the approaches pertains to the investigation required for a study. However, there are studies that could accommodate greater reliability, as well as, requires a greater deal of in-depth analysis. For such studies, it is prompt to identify the direction of analysis of the study using quantitative, as well as, quantitative approaches.

Both of these approaches are used for different kinds of investigations within same study or different studies requiring particular form of investigation. However, both of these approaches are important and useful in exploration of the hypothesis, or the study area. Both the approaches investigate a very useful and reliable result about the study. In terms of given area of study, that has integrative Christian Counseling and the depression in adults; both the methods are useful. In the first place, the study pertains to qualitative analysis that is built upon systematic review and implication of theoretical framework, whereas, the quantitative approach that identifies existing extent of depression in the adult population. Therefore, the study is based upon mixed approach discussed in detail in the next section.

Overview of the mixed approach

The mixed approach in research offers greater reliability and accommodates an in-depth analysis of the area ...
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