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Integration Paper- Leadership

Integration Paper- Leadership


In this paper, author will evaluate different aspects of leadership and its relation with organizational behavior. Paper will provide understanding about the concepts of leadership and leadership tasks, which is subject to change with the development of sociology, political science, social psychology, science of organization and management, and other scientific fields. These changes are enforced with the incompleteness of the earlier descriptions and theories. The concept of leadership induces the managers to compete in changing environment and changing challenges that are confronted by the organization in today's dynamic environment. There is strong relationship between leadership and organizational behavior. Effective leadership persuades the employee to think positively about the organization. If employee holds a positive attitude, it will eventually results in betterment for an organization. In order to gain deep understanding of the phenomenon of leadership, it is imperative to relate it with organizational behavior, and how leadership affects organizational behavior.


Leadership in management should be understood as the ability to influence employee behavior in order to meet specific targets. Leadership is based primarily on the authority of the person, and the power that others willingly accept. Leadership is setting direction, developing the vision of the future of the organization, as well as giving people a course of action. Leadership is motivating, and helps inspiring people to move in a certain direction or to achieve particular objectives. Leadership is not about rank or stars on the uniform, but of responsibility and mission accomplishment. Leadership is needed to create change, and the systematic management of the results. Lastly, a good manager is, indeed a good leader.

Definition of leadership can be found in abundance, including the work of sociology and political science. Analysis of the concept of leadership, from the perspective of these disciplines is mostly connected with the problem of power, and treating leadership as an aspect of power. The concept of power, its types, however, is so capacious that narrow definition of the concept of leadership with the help of this category seems to be impossible. It seems that the definition of leadership refers to influence the attitude of individuals and groups operating in a particular organization.


Leaders are people who are aware of their own abilities and inborn skills, their qualities and faults, have the competency to fully deploy those capabilities and compensate for the failures. They also know what they want, why they want it, and how to communicate to others in order to achieve their cooperation and support. Finally, they also know how to achieve their goals. The leader has a clear idea of what they want to do, personally and professionally, and the strength to persevere despite setbacks and even failures.

Qualities of a leader

Qualities of a good and effective leader manager can be divided into two groups:

Personal skills, which include the ability to:

To improve self-awareness,

To manage stress,

Develop creative problem solving.

Second Interpersonal skills include:

Communication skills (particularly effective listening and speaking),

Ability to enlarge their knowledge,

Ability to motivate others

Ability to manage conflict

Effective leaders are flexible enough to adjust their ...
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