Integrating Concepts Of Social Media Communication In Navair

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Integrating Concepts of Social Media Communication in NAVAIR

Integrating Concepts of Social Media Communication in NAVAIR


Social media has turned out to be an important means of external and internal communication for the contemporary organizations. Increasingly the organizations are integrating the use of social media as a part of their business activities whether it is for the purpose of marketing and internal and external communication. Using and adopting social media communication tools; however, requires significant consideration to the application and integration of these tools with the business operations. The benefits of the use of social media communication tools seem to surpass the efforts used in integrating them in the business (Mangold & Faulds, 2009).

Purpose Statement

The purpose of this report is to consider the application and integration of the concepts of social media in one of the leading and renowned organizations of the world that is Naval Air Systems Command.

The report initially cascade light on the role of social media in the organization's success in the modern business environment.

It subsequently describes the use of social media in different ways in Naval Air Systems Command along with the effective integration of this use with the business operations.

The report also entails the effectiveness of the use of different kinds of social media for the selected organization.

Social Media Concepts, Uses and Its Effectiveness

Social media has transformed the way in which companies, consumers, employees, suppliers and other stakeholders were linked with each other. Social media has allowed cutting down the time of connecting with these stakeholders. The processes and decisions that used to take an ample of time can be accomplished in short time now via social media (Ernst & young, 2011). Social media tools can be used for a variety of purposes in order to achieve organisational goals (Mangold & Faulds, 2009). It can act as an important tool for sales, marketing, customer service, market insight and retaining customers (Barry, 2011).

Social media is becoming a major tool used principally for marketing and communicating by the businesses in order to achieve their goals predominantly marketing goals (Scott, 2010). A swiftly growing division of marketers are acquiring the experience vital to progress from beginner to proficient practitioner competent of accomplishing social marketing goals and verifying ROI (Anonymous, 2010). Other than using social media for attaining marketing objectives, a lot of organisations have started utilizing social media instruments within the organisations to interact with their workforce (Huy & Shipilov, 2012).

Social media has allowed what was never possible to do in business world. Social media has allowed for mass collaboration of the people spread around the world. It allows communicating and collaborating the creativity and efforts of large number of people. However, the social media is also considered to be a failure in many ways. It is asserted that utilizing social media entails waste of time of employees as well as there are a number of risks associated with utilizing social media for achieving business objectives and carrying out business practices (Bradley & ...