Integrated Planning Matrix

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Integrated Planning Matrix

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Integrated Planning Matrix


A child's mind is extremely naïve and vulnerable. Researches have proven that not only an immature mind is exceedingly receptive, but also very impressive; therefore, what ever it hears or receives is imbedded very firmly, in both the conscious, as well as the unconscious level. Bearing in mind the previously mentioned notion, a cognitive mind is coerced to believe that education in the early ages of the child plays a pivotal role in constructing his ideals, morals, mentality and innovative approach (Hincks, 2010).

In this paper I will be designing a flow chart from designed form micro variable to macro level and an integrated panning matrix for student's curriculum to assess the significance of religious beliefs and deal with currently prevailing issues. For this assignment I have selected scenario # 1 for my case assessment and plan to incorporate suitable strategies to deal with the issues highlighted in the scenario. The case states that Oxford College is in a non- demonical school in an affluent suburb in Melbourne's south east and its 1650 pupils come from a diverse mix of cultural and religious backgrounds. These 1650 students are more or less equally divided into Australian-born Caucasians, first generation South African immigrants, and a combination of Australian-born and immigrant Chinese students; however, there are no Indigenous Australian students. It can also be observed that there are some differences of cultural background and religious believes which may highlight certain issues of religious discrimination among students. The religious beliefs held by school community include Christianity, Judaism and Buddhism (Weksler, 2004). The school initiates a Gifted and Talent Unit in year three and students are quite accepting of their religious and cultural differences. However, some of the year one students are found talking about Christmas and how they plan to celebrate this event. There were some difference of opinion among students how do not celebrate Christmas and are not visiting by Santa. These differences of cultural and religious beliefs have influenced certain level of competition among students about the importance of their religious festivals and celebrations.

Problem Identification

Keeping in view the above scenarios, following are some of the problems which can be identified.

As the entire population of the school is approximately equally segregated is not possible to identify majority and the existence of minorities within the boundaries of the school.

Although there is little difference of strength between Australian-born Caucasians, South African and Chinese immigrants, but these two classes (South Africans and Chinese) are identified as minorities in the local community (Edwards, 2005).

These immigrants have an inherent perception of being considered a minority in the community which influences their attitudes and behaviors.

Although the school community holds religious beliefs of Christianity, Judaism and Buddhism, the majority of Australian population is Christian and therefore openly practice and perform their religious values and festivals.

The constant minority complex may result in establishment of religious groups among students and may not only affect their academics but also ...
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