Integrated Case Study an Analysis Of The Case: “facebook's Revolution From 2004 - 2011”

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Integrated Case Study


Submitted in fulfillment of the requirement of the Master's degree to University Of Wales Institute, Cardiff, for the degree of Master in Business Administration (MBA)

[Name of the Supervisor]

[Month & Year]

An Analysis of the Case: “Facebook's Revolution from 2004 to 2011”



Executive summary

Chapter 1: Introduction 7

1.1 Background of study

1.2 Terms of Reference

1.3 Statement of the problems in the case

1.4 Aim and purpose

1.5 Structure of the rest of Report

Chapter 2: Case Brief 14

Chapter 3: Problem Statement and Analysis 18 3.1 Statement of problem in the case 3.2 Relevant concepts 3.3 Proposed plan of analysis 3.4 Sources of data

Chapter 4: Analysis and Findings 38

4.1 SWOT analysis

4.2 Application of other concepts

Chapter 5: Proposed Solution to Problems 48 5.1 Integrated discussion of the analysis 5.2 Recommendations 5.3 Proposed plan of action 5.4 Limitations of the study, scope of further research

Chapter 6: Application to another case55

6.1: Analysis of the comparator situations

6.2: Test of the main recommendations of chapter 5



My profound gratitude goes to God for His love, mercy, care and protection throughout my studies. I extend my appreciation to my supervisor for his guidance, sincere criticisms, and resources throughout the case analysis period. I give thanks to my family and friends for their love, care financial and moral support in diverse ways. Finally to everyone whom I have met and who in diverse ways has contributed in one way or the other to my life, to you, I express my gratitude.

Executive Summary

The overview of using the Internet as a means of interpersonal communication in United States is currently consolidating and expanding. Through low cost and easy access to an immeasurable number of information, the means online, increasingly, is perceived as a platform of knowledge, expression and exchange of experiences by the public user as well as by organizations choose to venture out among these emerging communication paths. The perception of the Internet through corporate inaugurates a bias different research and monitoring of consumer opinion. It is necessary for businesses, develop interactive activities and relationships via digital means in order to introduce the intangible value of their brands at the heart of talks for this can be added positively to brand equity in order to defend and promote it, emphasizing investment in brand carefully constructed to a high cost of dedication and capital expenditures. The use of social media as a channel of direct contact between the company and consumer is clearly represented by the data analysis of this research article. In this study, the case regarding the revolution of the Facebook from 2004 to 2011 has been analyzed. Being present on Facebook is of fundamental importance to narrowing ties of communication between users of this social media and their favorite brands, building and solidifying constantly positioning in the minds of consumers. From what was presented on the characteristics of social media, is possible to determine which companies have well referenced on Facebook placements brand conducive to their success in the ...