Instructional And Assessment Methods

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Instructional and Assessment Methods

Instructional and Assessment Methods

Instructional and Assessment Methods

All administrators and teachers indicated their campus had been assigned or had designated a point person, consultant, or master teacher to assist with the training, implementation, and planning of PBL. Not all agreed upon the effectiveness of this support. For example, one administrator indicated her campus received "planning time, monetary resources, technology training, and a designated person to implement PBL," whereas another administrator believed her campus received "very little" support to implement PBL. A third administrator stated he needed a point person or an instructional leader on the campus is in charge of implementing problem-based learning, because when you have something that is so new . Implementation can't occur 1 day a week or a couple of times during the month in terms of working with teachers (Harry, 2008).

On the other hand the skills and knowledge can be classified as either problem-based or subject-based. So the teaching/learning educational strategy can be categorized as teacher-subject-based or student-problem-based strategy. Medicine is a profession that has huge impact on the community and the public health care. It needs well trained and skillful practitioners. In order to achieve this goal there are fundamental assumptions; The physician is expected to be able to manage, solve the medical problems efficiently and effectively with high level of competency. The physician should be knowledgeable and keep abreast of development in his/her profession. The physician should be skillful in handling any interpersonal conflicts and effectively communicating with individuals and groups. The physician is expected to have good understanding for the community health requirements, ethical and legal aspect of medical practice.

Traditional Teaching Method

Even though teachers and administrators indicated that many of their students have responded favorably to PBL, they indicated many students lacked specific skills needed to be successful while using PBL. Through trial and error, and upon completion of the first round of problems, the participants reported that it was evident most students were not prepared for the type of learning prompted by PBL. Teachers and administrators indicated students lacked skills in collaboration, organization, speaking, and time management. "Our students need the ability to work together, to work in teams, the ability to do research, and the ability to work with different types of media technology," offered one administrator. Another administrator believed students needed "to be organized and make sure that they know how to handle deadlines and timelines." Several teachers questioned whether their students were mature enough to handle PBL. One teacher compared PBL to her past elementary teaching experience: "Coming out of elementary school they are so used to the teacher just giving it to them that they are not used to thinking on their own." Another teacher alluded to "spoon feeding" the students. The assessment is measured based upon on the achievement of the students fitting to the standards expected. The assessment process should be gathered through evidence through the various types of assessment such as work assessment, written assessment, and skill ...
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