Institutions Of National Security

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Institutions of National Security

Institutions of National Security

Question 1)

The News 'anti-style' New Poll News Network 'CBS' America Votes that American public about the war in Afghanistan, which is close to the tenth anniversary of his strong opposition people and implies that most people oppose the continuing tensions and conflicts. According to the report, 62 percent of Americans want U.S. forces in Afghanistan, 24 percent and 7 percent increase in power demand to maintain the current situation are welcome.

Antigen-like that, other questions that people who called for immediate and significant reduction in U.S. forces in Afghanistan in July 2010 compared with the corresponding figures have increased. According to the report, the Obama administration tries to keep U.S. forces in Afghanistan until 2024. The results of this survey about the strong and growing opposition to the war in Afghanistan show that the American public before it is too late to respond to people's demands (Poullada, 1970).

In June, 40 leaders of different faiths wrote to President Obama, telling him that it is time to end the war in Afghanistan. What began as a response to the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 turned into a war of indefinite duration against the Taliban's insurgency.

President Obama's speech in June, tried to calm both the political critics, already weary of a war that takes 10 years, as military leaders who wanted more time to establish a well-trained Afghan army, despite its dismal level of illiteracy and high percentage of movement, and a stable government, despite its corruption (Ahmed, 1980). The president promised that 30,000 troops would leave Afghanistan in 2012 and in 2014, the remaining 70,000 left the country. However, an undetermined number of troops would remain tasks to "support". This means an occupation that seems to be undefined. The government should reconsider their priorities. The first commitment in Afghanistan was to arm the mujahidin's to expel the Soviets in the '80s. After the Sept. 11, though he has substituted a Taliban government in favor of Al Qaeda by Hamid Karzai, pushing back al Qaeda. The United States has not "won" in Afghanistan because the goals of "building a country" were very broad and American troops are working in a hostile terrain and a much closed culture.

Meanwhile, the damage at home was significant. According to research from Brown University, the war will cost U.S. $ 4 billion. Much of this money could have been used in creating jobs, rebuilding roads, bridges, schools in the country, the health system and in parks. The cost in lives was greater, both Americans and Afghans. There were 1,574 deaths in Afghanistan. To this we must add 6,670 seriously injured by improvised explosive devices, including amputees. In these figures do not include those who have emotional damage, the suicides, and the broken families, victims of drug abuse and alcohol-related accidents and sleepless nights (Poullada, 1970).

Question 2)

The US war on terrorism has many faces and perceptions. Not all the America thinks the same way as ...
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