Institutional Advancement Improvement

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Institutional Advancement Improvement Plan at Polk State College

Institutional Advancement Improvement Plan at Polk State College


The Polk State College began a new phase of planning of development in which we have defined the program guidelines that will guide their activities. The Development and Institutional Advancement Improvement Program (DIAP) of the Polk State College seeks to educate and support students who are engaged in education. The time horizon of the planning process, which begins with the formulation of the Institutional Advancement Improvement Plan, is contextualized by an international, national and state becomes permanently influenced by numerous and profound changes that create some uncertainty in the Institution.

The Polk State college, by the surrounding circumstances and based on domestic legislation, is committed to minimize possible instabilities arising from the environment, provide for their future development and establish appropriate strategies for better academic level and an accurate answer to the demands that society poses. In that sense, the Institutional Advancement Improvement Plan is a process that links and gives coherence to all actions to be taken in the short, medium and long term, in order to meet the goals and mission of the society. It was also conceived as a set of strategies, programs and projects established to achieve a state of institutional development, significantly better than the present.

Institutional Content

The Institutional Advancement improvement Plan is a collective product of the college community participation through suggestions, ideas and suggestions that were reached by the means arranged for this purpose during the months of June and September 2005. In this participatory process, group work sessions were achieved consensus for defining the institutional mission, as a statement that makes sense, rationale and identity to the College. It was also agreed the approach of the future image of the college sought, as a reference in guiding the actions that need to be done in the present to achieve the ideal state in a time horizon of 10 years.

The vision for 2015, besides the desirable state, the resulting scenario analysis of the challenges and opportunities that determine the environment and examination of key economic, social and political variables, as well as assessment of the state that holds the institution academic indicators that highlight the internal conditions of work and organization. The methodological sequence of integration of the strategic plan also sets priorities as general guidelines and a framework for defining strategic programs, which in turn linked consistently purposes, and goals specific procedures that are intended reaching for the achievement of institutional goals (Gamson, 2002).

Literature Review

The development of the people depends on the quality of its institutions according to the empirical evidence of a positive correlation between institutional development and economic growth. The literature has focused on explaining the complex interactions between economic growth and development and institutional development under the assumption that institutions affect growth, so any change has implications for institutional development (McKeachie, 2000). There is a strong positive, correlation between growth outcomes and measures of institutional ...
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