Insomnia And Treatment

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Insomnia and Treatment


Insomnia is an ordinary complaint. Stress usually results in the form of short term and transient insomnia. It may also be caused due to continuous drug usage like alcohol or pharmaceuticals. It can manage by reducing the usage of caffeine in routine life or by proper treatment. Usually long term insomnia is a symptom of psychiatric or medical condition. There are a number of effective medicines for the treatment of various types of insomnia. These medicines include zaleplon, benzodiazepines, zolpidem and many other anti depressant drugs.


Insomnia or sleeplessness is referred to a sleep disorder in which patient is unable to sleep or some times stay asleep for a long time. People having this disease have various symptoms like they usually find it difficult to sleep, they wakeup mid night and it's really a trouble for them to go back to the sleep. In this sickness a person finds difficulties like he usually wake up at mid night or in the early morning times. Insomnia patients usually feel dull and tired at the starting of the day and sometimes through out the dat. This may cause many difficulties in his daily routine life (Bent, 2006).


Insomnia or sleeplessness is a disease in which a patient usually faces sleep related issues. Insomnia or sleeplessness is faced by many people once or multiple times in a life. An average thirty percent to fifty percent of the population is affected by this disease.

Basically insomnia is a not a disease or diagnosis. According to its definition, it is a trouble in maintaining or initiating a sleep. A patient can suffer from this disease at any age, but usually it occurs in the elderly ages. It can be short term or long term. The duration of short term insomnia is up to 3 weeks while long term insomnia can be more than 3-4 weeks. Long term insomnia may lead a patient to many severe problems like depression, weak memory or memory lost, irritability, major risk of heart disease etc (Andrew, 2005).

Insomnia has different stages which mainly depend on the type of the disease. The three types of insomnia include transient insomnia, acute insomnia and chronic insomnia. All these types are briefly discussed below.

Transient insomnia

Transient insomnia means a patient is having a sleep issues. This type of insomnia lasts for a week, or less than a week. Transient insomnia is not directly associated with any health issue. It can be caused by another factors or disorders. These factors include severe depression, stress, environment changing or timing changing (Mindell , 2006).

Acute insomnia

In acute insomnia, a patient consistently faces unusual sleeping disorder. It may last for less than a month. In acute insomnia the one may face difficulty in maintaining a peaceful sleep or usually suffers from poor quality or non refreshing sleep. These circumstances may lead a person to an annoying or disrupting lifestyle. Acute insomnia is also referred to stress related insomnia or short term insomnia. The root causes of acute insomnia include surgery, severe illness, ...
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