Innovative Property Developer

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Innovative Property Developer




Services offered by Innovative Property Developer2


Financial considerations3


Key to success3

Goals and objectives4

Detail of services4

Summary of market analysis5

Market segmentation6

Competitive analysis6

Buying needs and patterns6

Implementation and strategy summary7

Sales strategy7

Forecast of sale8

Marketing strategy9

Summary of management9


Financial plan10


Sensitivity analysis11

Break even analysis11



Innovative Property Developer


Innovative Property Developer is a start- up company in the area which has the mission to provide services in real estate in the area. The Innovative Property Developer is a complete real estate service along with being a title company.


Innovative Property Developer will be sole proprietary business of the founder Adam Jones who has a real estate experience by working in another company. The plan of the company is to leverage by using the limited number of loans and private investment. It is expected that the company will start offering its services in June 2014. The main clients and the customers of the company will the couples who have reached the retirement age and are looking for the community which can provide essential services for their age group along with the income levels. As Adam Jones also belongs to the same demographic group, he understands the unique needs of this market and believes that he will be able to cater their needs more properly as compared to other competitors in the market.

The company will also focus on acquiring land with the intention to develop residential units to resell or rent them to the general public. This strategy is very famous in any type of economic climate as the profits will be due to the sale of property after its completion. The main focus of Innovative Property Developer in this area will be to sell the properties but it might rent the completed units when the property will not sell in 3 months of placing it on the market. The amount for this side of the business will be due from the investor. It has been assumed that for this side of the business, the investor will get half of the stock of the company along with regular dividends.


Services offered by Innovative Property Developer

Innovative Property Developer provides title, mortgage and real estate services to the diverse group of clients. Innovative Property Developer offers a complete range of services for facilitating the selling and purchasing of real estate along with title transfer, community information, loan preapproval and mortgage consulting, appraising, and getting the comparative market analysis for the potential sellers and property preparation.


In United States, there are almost 21000 companies which specialize in constructing the residential units. These companies generate income in the form of fees of almost $44 billion and provide employment to almost 520000 people. The aggregate payrolls have been more than $20 billion. The industry has recently faced some turmoil due to which the commercial and housing properties have been declining. There are many developers of real estate who have been holding properties which have declined significantly. Through it is a very important issue, the present provides good opportunity for Innovative Property Developer to develop houses at lower price and ...
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