Innovation Diffusion

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Innovation Diffusion

Innovation Diffusion

The original article is Bridging the Research-to-Practice Gap in Autism Intervention:

An Application of Diffusion of Innovation Theory by Hilary E. Dingfelder • David S. Mandell

According to the article, there is developing evidence that successful autism interventions are rarely implemented successfully or adopted by educational systems and communal psychological health. In this article the application of diffusion of innovation theory has been proposed to make it more understandable that why this is being called as the case. In this article the practical question set has been posed that are faced by the administrators, because they are the ones who take decision about the interventions use.

Within this article it has been addressed that the interventionists of autism that practices in the society usually rely on those methods that are not supported by any research when successful interventions are utilized. These interventions are mostly not executed in the way they were planned (Stahmer, 2005). The majority programs of autism incorporate fundamentals of various strategies, which have not been examined in combination. Due to this, the programming of autism within a society has not been established to improve cognitive, adaptive or social functioning (Chasson, 2007).

From the year 2002 to the year 2004, the NIMH called together the stakeholders for the purpose of informing the agencies of the government about the condition of the autism's psychological science intervention. Making these meetings as the basis, many of the researchers inscribed assessments on the gap of research to practice, that focuses on this fact that value research is not associated with the organized research.

In this article the application of diffusion of innovation theory (Rogers, 2003) has been proposed for better understanding the implementation and dissemination of successful interventions for autism. The framework has been provided by this theory for unfolding the fact that why, how and at what degree the innovative technologies expand throughout the systems of society. In this article the theory of innovation diffusion has been utilized for creating a better understanding of implementation and dissemination of interventions in different fields like substance abuse and disorder of conduct.

The leading principle for the framework of diffusion of innovation is that the reception of innovation is dependant on societal framework which describes that why proven-successful interventions for autism are not used in the practice of society, whereas many other interventions with nominal research gain prevalent acceptance.

According to roger, the diffusion ...
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