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Strategizing for Innovation and Change

Strategizing for Innovation and Change

Strategizing Innovation for Change

For implementing the innovative process, many companies have failed to articulate the new strategies that can be effectual for the management and the organization. This requires strong approach, designed layouts, and product concepts that help the organization to put innovation at specific areas. Such strategy requires strongly association to obtain positive performance in product improvement. Framework supports to adopt each step at the required time and it's effectually what particular goals and objectives have maintained to attained acquisition. The key areas where innovation is requiring changing must be evaluate before executing the innovative strategies and change in the management system of an organization.


The Nortal Networks Company has required implementing new strategies for enhancing their product and company efficiency in the world market. The Company has maintained its innovative strategies for setting their mission and goals. Somehow, the innovative strategies did not meet with the set requirements due to which loop hole has founded extensively in their strategies (Porter, 2000, p.45). These lacking in strategies did not support the innovative process and incomplete information of process also not provided an accurate path. The company goals and mission that has formulated at the time of enunciating the Company was totally diversified by implementing the innovative strategies. However, the organization was totally failed to matched goals and mission to the innovative strategies. Due to which they faced perilous situation and as results lost the market position. The feasibility level mostly high for the employees and their motivation and encouragement level also enhanced.

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